With so many choices in cannabis consumption, it isn’t hard to find something that works for your preferences and lifestyle. For those who want to avoid inhalation methods, edibles make a great alternative. The only downside is that edibles can create a situation where it’s easy to overdo it, and they can sometimes feel much stronger than other consumption methods. In this article, we’ll go over the reason edibles can sometimes feel so strong and if the THC in edibles is different than THC found in other consumption methods.
Edibles and Temptation
These days, cannabis edibles come in so many delicious forms, from discreet mints to easy to imbibe beverages. It’s hard not to indulge quickly and reach for the next treat. Here’s the thing: cannabis has a delayed action when it passes through the digestive system, and edibles make it tempting to take another bite of that delicious goodie before you feel the effects. This often causes people to accidentally eat very high doses of THC, potentially causing a negative experience. But is the dosage to blame for the way edibles seem to cause a different reaction than other methods of consumption? Maybe not.

Is the THC in Edibles Different?
People who can enjoy smoking high-THC cannabis and go about their day sometimes find that eating cannabis makes them feel an overpowering sense of detachment from their body. Even though cannabis is considered safe, large doses of edibles can feel scary even to seasoned consumers and bring a heightened sense of delusion. One theory is that the body processes edibles and inhaled cannabis into two different substances, which can affect the mind in completely different ways.
Some scientists think the difference comes down to the primary psychoactive compound in cannabis – THC. When you inhale cannabis, the compound that hits your bloodstream is delta-9 THC. The cannabis you eat, on the other hand, ends up being processed by your liver into a different compound called 11-hydroxy THC. While these two forms of THC are similar to each other, the small difference means they affect your brain in dramatically contrasting ways. When 11-hydroxy THC crosses the blood-brain barrier, it is far more potent and creates a more intense experience than delta-9 THC.

The reason?
Researchers think that the 11-hydroxy THC molecule can activate some cannabinoid receptors more fully than delta-9 can. This can lead to cannabinoid receptors becoming overstimulated and cause a situation where reactions like anxiety and paranoids are more prevalent.
While there is some research to support the theory that 11-hydroxy THC is more potent, other unpublished studies have shown that the two compounds are more or less equivalent. If so, then what causes edibles to affect people more strongly? One idea is simply that more THC of any kind gets into the body when cannabis is eaten, rather than smoked.
How to Avoid Feeling too Intoxicated
Regardless of which theory is correct, there are some steps you take to avoid overdoing it with edibles. Try starting with no more than 2 mg of THC, which is going to be much lower than the dose in most single-dose edibles. The idea is to work up slowly by taking a small about and not consuming more until the effects are fully felt. This takes a little bit of self-control, but the effort is worth it to ensure a positive cannabis experience.

Are you interested in finding out more about cannabis edibles and how to use them? Come check out our wide selection and let our knowledgeable staff help you find edibles that will work perfectly for you!